Acupuncture has diagnosed, treated and prevented illness for over two thousand years. It can remedy ailments; enhance recuperative power, immunity and the capacity for pleasure, work and creativity. More specifically, Acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into the body at specific points which has shown to be effective in the treatment of specific health problems.
These acupuncture points run through our body’s meridians which are in effect, energy pathways. This energy- called Qi (pronounced chee) - is dispersed in areas of excess and gathered in areas of depletion by the needles. This allows for proper function of muscles, nerves, vessels, glands and organs.
The World Health Organization recognizes the following conditions as appropriate for acupuncture treatment:
Internal: Hypoglycemia/ asthma/ high blood pressure/ ulcers/ diabetes/Colitis/ indigestion/ hemorrhoids/ diarrhea/ constipation
Infections: Colds and flu/ bronchitis/ hepatitis Eyes-Ears-Nose-Throat:Deafness/ ringing in the ears/ earaches/ hay fever/ poor eyesight/ dizziness/ sinus infection/ sore throat
Dermatological: Eczema/ acne/ herpes Musculo-Skeletal and Neurological:Arthritis/ neuralgia/ sciatica/ back pain/ bursitis/ tendonitis/ stiff neck/ polio/Bell’s palsy/ polio/ sprains Genito-Urinary and Reproductive:Impotence/ infertility/ pre-menstrual syndrome(PMS)/ pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)/ vaginitis/ irregular period or cramps/ morning sickness
Mental-Emotional:Anxiety/ depression/ stress/ insomnia
These acupuncture points run through our body’s meridians which are in effect, energy pathways. This energy- called Qi (pronounced chee) - is dispersed in areas of excess and gathered in areas of depletion by the needles. This allows for proper function of muscles, nerves, vessels, glands and organs.
The World Health Organization recognizes the following conditions as appropriate for acupuncture treatment:
Internal: Hypoglycemia/ asthma/ high blood pressure/ ulcers/ diabetes/Colitis/ indigestion/ hemorrhoids/ diarrhea/ constipation
Infections: Colds and flu/ bronchitis/ hepatitis Eyes-Ears-Nose-Throat:Deafness/ ringing in the ears/ earaches/ hay fever/ poor eyesight/ dizziness/ sinus infection/ sore throat
Dermatological: Eczema/ acne/ herpes Musculo-Skeletal and Neurological:Arthritis/ neuralgia/ sciatica/ back pain/ bursitis/ tendonitis/ stiff neck/ polio/Bell’s palsy/ polio/ sprains Genito-Urinary and Reproductive:Impotence/ infertility/ pre-menstrual syndrome(PMS)/ pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)/ vaginitis/ irregular period or cramps/ morning sickness
Mental-Emotional:Anxiety/ depression/ stress/ insomnia
Frequently asked Questions:
Q: Do the needles hurt?
A: Generally, no. What you will probably feel is some cramping, heaviness, distention, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected meridian, or energy pathway. Some Western cultures may categorize these sensations as types of pain. In any case, if you experience any discomfort, it is usually mild.
Q: Are the needles clean?A: We only use sterilized, individually packaged, disposable needles.
Q: How deep do the needles go?A: Usually, needles are inserted from ¼ inch to 1 inch in depth. It varies depending on the nature of the problem, the location of the points selected, the patient’s size, age, and constitution.
Q: How many treatments will I need?A: That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may only need a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of 5 to 15 treatments to resolve more chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require treatment over a longer time. In any case Brian, can give you an estimate of how many treatments you will need to effect change during the initial evaluation.
Q: Do the needles hurt?
A: Generally, no. What you will probably feel is some cramping, heaviness, distention, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or traveling up or down the affected meridian, or energy pathway. Some Western cultures may categorize these sensations as types of pain. In any case, if you experience any discomfort, it is usually mild.
Q: Are the needles clean?A: We only use sterilized, individually packaged, disposable needles.
Q: How deep do the needles go?A: Usually, needles are inserted from ¼ inch to 1 inch in depth. It varies depending on the nature of the problem, the location of the points selected, the patient’s size, age, and constitution.
Q: How many treatments will I need?A: That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may only need a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of 5 to 15 treatments to resolve more chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require treatment over a longer time. In any case Brian, can give you an estimate of how many treatments you will need to effect change during the initial evaluation.
What people say
Brian is an intuitive, kind and a gifted acupuncturist. I was new to acupuncture when I first met Brian and was very sick with Migraines and Multiple Sclerosis. Brian has helped me through times of setbacks due to disease activity as well as maintenance . His perceptiveness and medical knowledge of my symptoms is exceptional ! I’m very thankful I have Brian as my acupuncturist as he truly is the best!
Christa S.
Brian first introduced me to Acupuncture years ago and he made a believer out of a sceptic. He is kind and a good listener and really helped me deal with some stressful situations. One thing in particular that I was amazed with is the his treatment for plantar fasciitis. I was struggling badly for 6 months. I went to doctors, bought different straps and boots and nothing worked. The pain was agonizing. On a whim I contacted Brian and in 2 weeks my pain was completely gone. I could not believe it.
George M.
I won a gift certificate to go see Brian years ago at a charity event. It was better than winning the lottery ! His treatment with herbal remedies and general nutritional advice has helped my arthritis tremendously. I am convinced it has kept me golfing. I only need to see him once per month and I appreciate his straightforward and honest approach. Brian is simply the best and I highly recommend him.
John G.
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